SDF is an innovative challenge fund Project, Youth as our focus

We Tackle: The dire need for adequately qualified labor force required by the productive sectors and    The high unemployment rate amongst the youth, who in most cases do not possess employable skills.




Situation Analysis/ Background

Sierra Leone is a small, low-income country with a population of about 7.4 Million, and a rapidly growing young population where the many live in poverty. The country has struggled to improve its competition; however, due to lack of infrastructural development, skilled  workforce  , and  financial  constraints, there has been a suppression in growth potentials.  The Skills Development Project is also very much gender-sensitive and opens up the widest possible range of life options for both women and men, to help build their capacities to be more wholesome and humane. Raising awareness requires not only intellectual understanding and effort but also sensitivity and open-mindedness to change one’s views and limited perspectives and values.   


& Targets

The overall objective of this initiative in line with the Ministry of Finance is to emphasize the need for the Skills Development Project to create a demand-led skills system that supports the country’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy. (MOF)   

The project will support the Government’s overall human capacity and development, an  agenda  led  by the Ministry of Education through skills upgrading and facilitating o f a Skills Development Fund (MTHE)

Meet the Team 

Pete Kaindaneh

Assignment Manager

Salieu M Barrie

Grant Specialist

Solomon Bangali

M&E Specialist


June-Rose Johnson

I.E.C Officer

Alhaji B S Sankoh

Finance and Admin Officer

Latest projects

James Lamin

Office Assistant